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Children sit with their parents during the first portion of our church service.  The Pastor will call for the children to come forward for a moment of prayer.  After the prayer and a "Heavenly kiss" (Hershey's Kiss candy) the children go downstairs for Bible base teaching from which the children learn the love of the Lord.  The engaging programs include videos, crafts and time for a snack.  Nursery care is also available. 


Vacation Bible School is fun for the whole family.  Each year there is a new themed program designed to introduce and stimulate spiritual growth in the children.  Games, crafts, songs and of course, snacks are part of the program.  There is interaction with volunteers of all ages.


VBS is for ages 5 to 11 and is held on Wednesday nights from 6 to 8 pm. starting in July and running for 5 weeks.  The dates will be announced.


Bible Study

Bible study with the Pastor meets Wednesday nights at 7 pm in Fellowship Hall (the Church basement).



Women's Prayer Group

Women of the Church meet every Tuesday night at 7 pm for Bible Study and Prayer. 

The location of the meeting is rotated between some of the women’s homes. 


Men Under Construction

Men of the Church meet every Monday night at 7 pm. In Fellowship Hall (the Church basement) for a time of fellowship.  Zoom option is also available.



Women's Bible Study

Women of the church meet every Thursday morning at 10 am. at the home of

Susan Laxton.  The current study is on Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges.

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