We are pleased to have Rev. Dr. Warren Seibert as our Pastor.
Pastor Warren has previously served as the senior pastor of the St. John’s Reformed Church in Red Hook, NY; the United Presbyterian Church in Belvidere, New Jersey; and the Finderne Reformed Church in Bridgewater, New Jersey. He also served as a board certified pastoral counselor at the First Baptist Church in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, as well as working as a Registered Nurse, a profession he shares with his wife, Ruth. They have 3 adult children: Rachel, Caleb, and Jacob.
Here are a few things we would like you to know about him. His passion and purpose in ministry is “To know Christ and to make Him known.” The type of church that he desires to lead is one that “hungers for the Word of God; is committed to the Lord, Jesus Christ; and is eager to follow Him in gospel ministry in word and deed.” Even more, together with the leadership of the church, he is dedicated to a vision that provides for 1) Inspiring Worship, 2) Authentic Fellowship, 3) Passionate Discipleship, and 4) Loving Mission. This includes not only plans to develop a children’s ministry and to reach our neighbors with the grace and gospel of Jesus Christ, but also to provide pastoral care and counseling to all who are in need. Above all, we believe the most important aspect of his ministry is that he has a “pastor’s heart” to be our shepherd, teacher, and brother as we together strive to follow in the way of Jesus Christ.
Please pray for Pastor Warren as he continues his ministry with us. We encourage you to come and welcome him any Sunday morning worship service at 10:00 AM. We hope you will join with us, in prayer and in person, during this new and exciting time in the life of our congregation.
The West Copake Reformed Church is a local fellowship of Christian people called together by God to be faithful disciples of our Lord Jesus. As a local congregation of the Alliance of Reformed Churches, we honor our roots in the Reformation of the Church during the 16th century which sought a renewal of faith and life according to the teachings of the Bible, even as we celebrate the unity of our worship and service with all Christians throughout the world who confess in word and deed, "Jesus is Lord."
With all evangelical churches in the Reformed tradition. We believe,
– In the Sovereignty of God over all life,
– In Salvation by grace alone, through faith,
– In Jesus Christ alone as our Savior and Lord,
– In the Bible as the Inspired Word of God,
– In all Christians being called to ministry.
Inspiring WORSHIP
Compassionate OUTREACH
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind...and love your neighbor as yourself."
Matthew 22:37-38
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them i nthe name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to follow; that I have commanded you."
Matthew 28:18-20
Kathy Wheeler (Vice-President)
Nancy Geisler (Clerk)
Diana Jamieson
Harry Smith
Mike Fallon
Susan Laxton
Tony Darling
Dru Ary
Stan Scott
Robert Patterson, CPA
Rebecca Simmons